Translation missing: en.ACellars Newsletter 27th April, 2022 - THIS SATURDAY - Good Natured Wine Fair: ACellars Newsletter 27th April, 2022 - THIS SATURDAY - Good Natured Wine Fair
Good Natured Wine Fair
Tickets on Sale Now!
It's your final week to grab tickets for our first wine fair of the year, Good Natured.
Come join us and some of the city's top importers, distributors and even the man himself... Bob from Frankly, this wine was made by Bob!
Good Natured is a wine fair, where the focus is on natural wine: lo-fi, minimal intervention, sustainable, organic, biodynamic, low-to-no preservatives, skin-contact, unfined, unfiltered, raw, pure juice. We will have over 65 different wines open on the day for you to explore.
No matter your definition, come explore the natural world: there is something that is sure to appeal to your good, even better nature.
Naturally fermented grape juices from: Boaz Bobar
Brash Higgins
Brave New Wine
Craven Wines
Daniele Piccinin
Domaine Marc Kreydenweiss
frankly, this wine was made by bob
Gentle Folk
Jumping Juice
La Violetta
La Vrille et le Papillon
Loïc Mahe
Lucy M
Partida Creus
Podere San Biagio
Si Vintners
Le Coste
And more, naturally...
The wine fair will be held at Annandale Cellars, under the cover of our marquees, come rain, hail or La Niña. Your ticket price includes your very own tasting glass to use on the day, and is yours to take home.
Places are limited, so get in quick!