Translation missing: en.Selected Spanish Tasting 1st March 3pm-6pm + Pet-Nats + Jumping Juice: Selected Spanish Tasting 1st March 3pm-6pm + Pet-Nats + Jumping Juice
Selected Spanish Tasting
Saturday 1st March
This Saturday we'll be showcasing some fantastic Spanish wines! Some of you may have met our most recent employee - Pedro who helped us through the Christmas period and into the New Year. Pedro is from Valencia and spent a few years working in Rioja as well as many top restaurants around the world. Pedro has picked 4 of our Spanish wines to pour and share with you on the day. These are the wines he'll be pouring:
Sierra de Tolono Viura Blanco 2022
Olivier Riviere Rayos Uva Rioja Tinto 2023
Cesar Marquez Parajes del Bierzo Mencia 2022
Casa Castillo Monastrell 2021
Come down this Saturday to meet Pedro and drink some excellent Spanish wines!
It’s unfortunately no secret that it has started to become a bit cooler as we enter the final week of summer. We wanted to take this chance to highlight some of our most fun and best-valued Pét-Nats for those that are desperately hanging onto and refusing to accept the end of summer.
Pét-Nat is short for pétillant naturel, which is simply French for “naturally sparkling”. Pét-Nats are made using the “ancestral method” which is a method in which the wine is bottled before the first and only fermentation is complete, capturing the tail-end of the fermentation in the bottle which gives these wines their light bubbles. This method is much quicker and less labour-intensive than the traditional method resulting in wines that are more fruity and fun as opposed to the heavier toasty notes that the traditional method can impart at a much more affordable price. The less strict method of production also allows producers to play around more with different varietals allowing grapes other than Chardonnay and Pinot Noir to bathe in the sparkling wine spotlight.
We’ve selected 6 Pét-Nats below that are exciting and incredible value for the price. From Lambrusco to rose, sulphur-free bottlings and even some with a couple years of bottle age - we have some bottles here for everyone. Pick up some of these to drink by the pool while you still can!
Jumping Juice
We’ve just stocked up on everybody’s go-to wine for fun, refreshing easy-drinking occasions - Jumping Juice! The very name is a prompt to embrace life. Jumping Juice is the project of Gippsland wonder winemakers - Patrick Sullivan and Xavier Goodridge so you know these wines are in good hands.
“It’s very raisin d’être is simply to be delicious and to act as a catalyst for carousing with the fine folks with which you surround yourself.”
Patrick and Xavier have been good friends since the age of 18 and have both built cult-like followings for their hands-off wines made under their own labels in Gippsland. The Jumping Juice label allows them to be able to explore regions from all over Australia and varieties that they would not normally work with in Gippsland. They work with organic fruit from sustainably-farmed vineyards from regions such as Margaret River, Riverina and their home in Gippsland too. The style of these wines is much more focused on the juicy and immediately pleasurable aspects rather than on structure or single-vineyard expressions. These are all either bottled without sulphur or with only the smallest amount at bottling.
We’ve just bought in 4 different Jumping Juice wines which are all perfect to drink at this time of year. The ‘Pet Nat’ is a blend of Italian varieties: Vermentino and Nero di Troia from Riverland made in a very fun and fruity style. The ‘Orange’ and ‘Haggis’ are interesting and tasty wines - the former being skin-contact Vermentino from Riverland and the latter is a field blend of both white and red grapes from Gippsland and is more akin to a cross of rose and chilled red territory. The ‘23 ‘Half Full Red’ is a nice Grenache/Shiraz/Cabernet blend from Margaret River in a dangerously drinkable style. All these wines are fun, refreshing examples of what these types of wines can look like when made by esteemed winemakers. The perfect picnic wine - don’t wait until we’re too far out of summer for these!